Join The Conttrol Security Team

A man wearing sunglasses and a security shirt.

Security Professionals

Become a Conttrol employee as a Security Associate. Read more..

- After verification and passing a thorough background check, you will...
- ensure safe test drive experiences for Conttrol's customers by riding along and monitoring the interaction.
- oversee transactions like sales, exchanges, and reviews of property by Conttrol's customers in order to ensure secure interactions.
- verify the identities of all customers upon arrival for their scheduled service.
- keep the police officers on duty apprised of scheduled activity in order to maintain a safe environment
- notify police officer on duty of any irregular activity or concerning behavior in order to maintain a secure environment for customers

Apply today

A black background with a white circle in the middle.

Off Duty Police Officers

Conttrol seeks off-duty police officers and sheriff's deputies to work part-time in our offices as security. Read more..

After verification, you will keep watch over all activity between Conttrol's customers and security associates in order to maintain a secure and controlled environment.

Sign up today.