Frequently Asked Questions
What are the prices of Conttrol's secured services?
The Safe Vehicle Test Drive service fee is $40 per customer (buyer and seller), for a total of $80.
The Secure In-Person Transaction fee is $25 per customer (buyer and seller), for a total of $50.
- Either party can schedule the appointment. The party who schedules the appointment (aka the scheduling party) pays their half of the fee when they book the appointment, and provides the email address of the other party. The other party then receives a link to pay the balance. Once the second party pays the balance, both parties receive email confirmation of the appointment, and all relevant information.
- The scheduling party can choose to pay the full amount upfront.
- Only the scheduling party can cancel the appointment
How is Conttrol different from other online marketplaces?
Conttrol is the only online marketplace that provides a secure local corporate office at which online buyers and sellers can safely test drive their vehicles and/or conduct in-person transactions. Each Conttrol office is staffed by security professionals and monitored by law enforcement.
Unlike other online marketplaces like Craigslist, eBay, etc., users can post/sell vehicles and ONLY premium items on Conttrol. Items (other than vehicles) being posted on Conttrol must be premium or high-end, and will have a minimum price level.
Is Conttrol open weekends?
Conttrol offices are open 7 days per week
Monday to Saturday: 10am - 5pm Eastern
Sunday: 11am - 5pm Eastern
How much time is allotted for Conttrol's secured services?
Each Safe Vehicle Test Drive appointment is allotted 20mins., and can be scheduled for consecutive or back-to-back sessions when
Each Secure In-Person Transaction service is allotted 15mins., and can be scheduled for consecutive or back-to-back sessions when
How does Conttrol confirm customers' identities?
All customers must present a valid driver's license or other government-issued identification that matches the (legal) name with which they scheduled their appointment.
Each customer must clear a metal detector upon arrival
The Conttrol website does not disclose email addresses of sellers on their postings. To ensure privacy and security, the seller's email address and/or other contact information can only be disclosed to a buyer or enquiring party if/when the buyers chooses to reply to or contact the enquiring party.
Does Conttrol buy or sell merchandise?
Conttrol does not buy or sell merchandise.
Conttrol is an online marketplace that connects private sellers with local buyers
No trading, buying, or selling occurs on the Conttrol website.
Conttrol provides a secure local corporate office at which online buyers and sellers can safely test drive vehicles or conduct in-person transactions between buyers and sellers who connected on the Conttrol website or any other online marketplace.
Contact Support
Call Support
Monday - Saturday:
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EASTERN
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM EASTERN